Constipation Home Remedies

NEVER had problems with constipation until I went to Singapore...sitting on planes for 45 hours in one week. Had a SCAREY constipation, thought I was going to rip apart then afraid I wouldn't. Finally did an oil enema...still difficult but it worked. Since then (oave a yaer ago) I have lumpy hard, dry stools about every other day...HUGE width and very bleeding thank god. Dulcolax? Forget it. Prune Juice...useless. Kiwi fruit - nada. Do I need to drink even MORE water? Egads. But to me it looks predictably symptomatic. I DO sit a lot now as classes I teach are online so I am at my desk ten hours a day.Ideas???
oatmeal, fruit, n walk, oatmeal cookies, oatmeal cake, fiber cerely maybe some chinese/mex food. if ya female maybe sum anal sex will help lol
When I suffers constipation problem I used to take solution. It is a natural laxative that regulates the bowel disorders gently and is used for the treatment of constipation.