Is Constipation Dangerous For My Health?

The mainstream medical establishment in the United States treats constipation as a mere nuisance rather than the serious medical condition that it is. To make a bad situation worse, the dominant dietary advice and medical treatment — particularly dietary fiber, overhydration, and laxatives — intensify constipation and its irreversible side effects even more.
 Constipation predisposes you to all major colorectal disorders starting with enlarged hemorrhoids and ending up with colorectal cancer. The reasons aren‘t difficult to understand — your colon was designed by nature to hold a few pounds of feces in transit. When a person gets constipated, the colon may be holding 10, 20 or more lbs. The weight by itself isn‘t the problem, but the volume is – large, heavy stools enlarge and stretch out the colon, irritate the colon mucosa, harm the anal canal, and may produce toxins related to fermentation and rotting.
 Constipation is one of the symptoms of disbacteriosis — a condition where the normal, intestinal flora is dead and missing. When alive, this flora performs several, important functions. First, it protects the colon itself from any inflammation-causing pathogens. Second, it produces essential B-vitamins and vitamin K, responsible for blood clotting. Third, it governs primary immunity. And fourth — bacteria form stools, and keep them soft and moist. When all of these functions are compromised, you aren‘t likely to enjoy a long and healthy life!
 Constipation significantly increases your risk of becoming a victim of medical error and/or of the side effects of drugs, all related to the treatment of any ensuing colorectal disorder.
 Constipation affects genitourinary health, particularly for women, because the large intestine and the female reproductive organs reside in close proximity. These problems run the gamut from undue pressure on the uterus to rectal prolapse inside the vagina, from fecal incontinence to miscarriage from straining, and numerous other, equally nasty problems.
 Constipation affects your quality of life, causes stress, and diminishes your overall sense of well-being. These things tend to self-perpetuate, and profoundly affect the cardiovascular, endocrine, and immune systems.
 Closer to the end of one‘s life, chronic constipation strips the large intestine from its thinning, mucosal membrane, and causes flat lesions and polyps that eventually transform into colon cancer. So, as you can see, the connections are plentiful, and I have just scratched the surface. Indeed, constipation is extremely dangerous for your health and life, and you should do everything possible to reverse it while it is still possible, or, at the very least, to manage its after-effects when it has become irreversible. To learn how, visit and study website! Good luck!RecommendationsChronic acquired constipation is a complex physiological, psychological, and social disorder specific to people and domesticated carnivorous pets in developed societies. Chronic constipation simply doesn't exist in indigenous societies and in the wild with the same degree of prevalence, or affects so many individuals and animals so early in life. Chronic constipation as a lifestyle disorder doesn't lend itself to simple solutions along the lines of headache —> pain reliever, or heartburn —> antacid. If, in fact, any simple or even moderately complex solution existed to prevent and eliminate constipation, you wouldn't be reading this page in the first place. So what, then, can you do?Well, there are two approaches — one immediate, to alleviate the most unpleasant aspects of constipation near instantly, such as hard stools, pain while moving the bowels, anal bleeding, and further damage and suffering. This part is simple. Just useHydro-C Colonic Moisturizer to:(a) To cleanse (flush out) the bowels from hard and stale stools. This step replaces bulking fiber, addictive laxatives, expensive colonics, and, in case of fecal impaction, surgical or manual intervention with a safe, non-addictive, inexpensive, reliable, and beneficial supplement. (b) To initiate a painless bowel movement when it is no longer achievable naturally because of anorectal nerve damage, peristalsis disorders related to an enlarged colon, medication that suppresses bowel movements, pregnancy, or disability, such as spinal cord trauma, stroke, and others.(c) To maintain proper morphology of stools for unassisted bowel movements (i.e. proper shape, weight, size, density, and moisture content.);(d) To manage exceptions that disrupt regular bowel movements and contribute to 'psychological' constipation, such as elevated stress, long-distance travel, night shift work, and similar others.The second strategy is long-term. It is intended to eliminate the underlying causes of chronic constipation and attain natural, unassisted bowel movements without fiber, laxatives, laxogenic food, and even supplements, such as Hydro-C. This goal is achievable only for individuals who suffer from functional or early stage latent constipation.