The Cure of constipation
Ok, About 2 years ago I had awful constipation. I have always been the smallest person in my graduating classes growing up. But towards the end of college I started weight training and wasn't watching my diet. Needless to say I got so constipated that I couldn't go for weeks. This was some of the worst pain ever. I got up to 190 lbs which was way over weight for me.So what did I do that worked? I tried many things. The only proven thing that worked for me was to eat a totally different diet. Lots of fruit, lots of vegetables, and I had to cut out almost 99% of the junk food. I also took psyllium husk mixed with blackstrap molasses. This expands in your stomach and literally scrubs your intestines. You should start with changing your diet first to unclog yourself. Once your unclogged you should scrub your intestines. You will get some really smelly gas from this. You will also get some really smelly poop from this that looks very black and old. This is because you likely have stuff stuck to your intestines. This method works but takes time. Its the only thing that worked for me and I tried everything. I do not recommend taking the psyllium husk while your constipated because it will just further your constipation (I found this out). You need to have a few bowel movements first before you start this.