I am constipated again. For 4 weeks now!
I took a laxative twice and went both times. I thought the problem was solved, oh was I wrong.I am constipated again.I went 2 weeks without going and 9 days without again after the first laxative. I have tried oat cereals and even spinach but I can't seem to rid myself from the bloated, bound up feeling, even after I go. Any tips? My mom used to have this as a child and she took some grain substitutes or something like that. Also, any similiar experiences?Never..ever use laxatives for constipation. They are not good for your digestive system and can actually damage them.Try prune juice and lots of water, stay away from soda.You might also want to try Oxy-Powder, it works well with constipation.
I completely agree with Jay Reyes. Prune juice and water cured my chronic constipation after 2 long years. I was eating prunes, raisins, whole grains, plenty of other fiber sources, and drinking water till I thought I'd float away. Nothing worked like prune juice and water.
Hey - sometimes when I push comes to shove (pardon the pun), I have a day where I eat only oranges. It sounds strange, but back about 10 oranges, drink lots of water (like, 2 litres), and go for a long walk. It has worked for me, and I'm chronically constipated.