Constipation is defined as having three or fewer bowel movements a week and is also characterized by producing small, hard and dry stools, straining when trying to go and bloating.
There are several ways to help prevent constipation. Regular exercise is one way to prevent constipation, 30 minutes most days of the week is recommended for most individuals. Drinking water and other fluids is another. You need about 8 glasses of water and other non-caffeinated beverages a day, so you may need to increase your fluid intake. Getting enough fiber in your diet is another way to prevent constipation. Fiber can be found in fruit, vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grain. It is recommended for men to get about 38 grams of fiber daily. Most Americans get about half of that. It is important to increase fiber intake gradually to avoid unpleasant gas symptoms. Fiber supplements such as Metamucil and others are safe to take regularly, but be sure to take them with plenty of water. Eating a diet high in fat can also contribute to constipation so lowering daily intake of fat may also help. Stool softeners such as docusate (Colace) may also be used.
Stool softeners bring water into the stool making it softer and easier to pass. If the above solutions do not help or constipation is persistent it is best to make a trip to the doctor to determine if there is another cause or if prescription treatment is needed. prevent constipation constipation clinic