Constipation in children

Constipation in children - Childhood constipation

Constipation in children, an information resource for parents, carers, health professionals and children. We hope you will find this website a useful source of information about constipation in children. We are constantly updating this site with new information about symptoms and treatments for childhood constipation, so why not bookmark it so you can revisit it again easily. 
Constipation in children is a common problem. It can develop for a number of reasons and does not normally indicate anything physically wrong with your child. Child constipation can be distressing for everyone involved and although it is natural to be concerned, it is not usually serious and does not mean that they will develop bowel problems in later life as a result of their constipation. There are effective treatment options for constipation in children - these will make your child feel better particularly if his or her constipation is treated early. Many children get temporary constipation that may last a few days and then gets better. This is quite normal and is nothing to worry about. However, if your child's constipation persists and does not get better, you may find this website helpful. As a first step, you might like to use our Constipation Toilet Tool which will guide you through some of the signs and symptoms of childhood constipation and also give you useful advice about whether you need to seek medical advice about constipation in your child. The Constipation Toilet Tool is easy and fun to use and you can do this with your child to help them to explain their toilet habits. This website also contains advice about what might be causing constipation in children, what can be done to help treat it and, most importantly, what can be done to prevent it coming back. Important advice if your child is suffering from constipation in children