Best solution for constipation

Constipation is very commonly encountered symptom. 

Constipation is the condition in which the individual experiences the difficulty in passing faeces. It is usually dry and hard in consistency. In medical language constipation is called as Fewer than three bowel movements a week. Normally every individual should possess one bowel movement every day. In simple words it is called as irregular and difficult evacuation of bowel. All the people get constipated sometimes in their life, but some people suffer from continuous constipation. Constipation is a common cause for painful defecation. Severe constipation may lead to bowel obstruction.Constipation is more commonly seen in children and elderlies. Causes-Diet- Most common cause is diet with low fibre contentIngestion of too much junk foodLess intake of water and other liquidsLack of exercisePregnancySome medications like antidepressants, anticonvulsants, etc.Suppression of natural urge to evacuate bowelHormonal and metabolic disorders like hypothyroidism, hypocalcaemia, etc.Excessive purgation (induced)Structural causes like spinal cord lesions, proctitis, etc.Frequent travellingStressClassification-According to the severity and causative factor constipation can be classified as follows: 1. Severe Constipation- If less than one bowel per week is present then, called as severe constipation.2. Acute Constipation- In this type the onset is sudden and it is mostly due to some serious disease.3. Chronic Constipation- This lasts for longer duration. Symptoms-Symptoms depend upon the severity:Difficulty in bowel movementsDry and hard stoolIrregular bowel movementsStraining during defecationSense of incomplete evacuation of bowelAdditional causes as mentioned in Ayurveda-Abdominal flatulenceFrequent episodes of defecationIndigestionNauseaPain in abdomenBurning sensation in abdomenSour belchingBurning sensation in the chest regionHeadacheSleep disturbancesLack of enthusiasmIrritationAyurvedic classification and specific symptoms- Vatapradhana- Dry, well formed, stools associated with pain, flatulence and straining Vata-Kaphapradhana- Sticky and semisolid stools along with heaviness in lower abdomen, salivation, foul smell from mouth, loss of appetiteDiagnosis-The physical examination as well as case history is helpful in excluding causes of constipation. The local examination may revile conditions like anal fissure, piles, etc. In some cases following investigations are also advised to confirm the diagnosis:Barium enema X- RaySigmoidoscopyComplications-Hemorrhoids (piles)Anal fissureRectal prolapseBowel obstructionBlood stained stoolsPrevention by diet and lifestyle-Add all the vegetables and fruit in your diet specially for rich supply of fibresDrink plenty of waterDo regular exerciseLimit the intake of junk and fast foodDo relax and take adequate sleepDon’t ignore constipation, do consult your doctorTake extra care during pregnancyYogasanas like pavana muktasana, vajrasana are helpfulAyurvedic approach-Constipation is mostly present as a symptom which may give rise to many conditions. The constipation should not be ignored. Ayurveda has better solution for constipation which is the most natural safe way. Ayurveda is known to treat any disease from its root cause. So for regulating bowel movements the detailed case history with all his dietary habits and daily schedule are important. Then, the treatment is planned accordingly. This offers more effective treatment. Constipation is a sign of altered digestion. When our digestive system is not functioning properly then, it will manifest in the form of constipation or diarrhea, etc.