Cure constipation try this!

To cure constipation , what to do ?

I was constipated for 30 years! Nothing worked. Went to several doctors. Finally I found out myself what was wrong! I was on vacation and was fine. I get back home and the trouble started again!I started to think....what is it that I ate differently on vactaion??I finally figured it out!!! I did not have 1 glass of milk the whole week!I immediately stopped drinking milk and now my 30 year issue is solved! I replace the milk (to get enough calcium) with calcium fortified OJ and supplements.
I post this in other topicin my case i suffer constipation that leads to Hemorrhoid every time i poo blood comes along...the toilet bowl water turns red...i watch my diet.. eating high on fiber even fruits such papaya but still not effective. Then one time a friend told me to take a beer every night before going to bed. Guess what? It the morning my stool became soft. No more blood. i even poo everyday now thanks to him, thanks to the beer no more expensive medicine just natural to everyone who suffers Hemorrhoid due to constipation do The Filipino Way! Drink 1 to two bottles of beer every night before going to bed. And in the morning or afternoon try to poo(basically you will poo because of beer). Its important to poo everyday to flash toxic and not to make the stool hard.while dringking beer eat dalandan or orange or lemon it will make it more effective.
I'm 22 with constipation very badly for 6 months. it was torture. nothing worked - i ate an equivalent of a small forest everyday and metamucil, lansoyl, a papaya a day, you name it i did it. After I took PRIOBIOTIC acidophilis vitamins 3 x a day my digestion improved considerably. these you can buy at the drugstore and its natural vitamins. take one upon waking up, before lunch, and before dinner. ALSO flax seed helps a lot, make sure its cold when you drink it (in cold-room temperature apple juice, mix it in). Take about two tablespoons of flax seed per day (made sure its already ground up, like powder). The turning point came after my colonscopy, when I had to starve for 30 hours. After my stomache was cleared of all the crap in there, and I took flax seed and acidophilis, everyday my life is a joy. I recommend fasting/starving for a day or so to clear your system naturally (I did take pico salax - a strong laxative for my colonscopy, however, and my stomache was cleared). just drink chicken soup the whole day and lots of water during that time. After that day, load up with the flax seed and acidophilis vitamins. This is the thing that cure constipation