Laxative misery

For years I have had acute constipation especially at the time of my periods. I have tried just about every laxative known to man. Either they give me acute diarrhrea or they don't act at all or they kick in violently at a very inopportune time. I am tired of having to excuse myself from important meetings or simply sitting there perspiring copiously and praying the meeting will end quickly. I have consulted more than one gastroenterologist. I have had colonoscopies and barium enemas and in each case check out with no apparent problems. Each time they write a prescription for some new drug which "will Help". Each time the results are the same as those I indicated above. It is very hard to concentrate on one's work when alternating between feeling bloated or panicky.
I'm 22 and i constipated very badly for 6 months. it was torture. nothing worked - i ate an equivalent of a small forest everyday and metamucil, lansoyl, a papaya a day, you name it i did it. After I took PRIOBIOTIC acidophilis vitamins 3 x a day my digestion improved considerably. these you can buy at the drugstore and its natural vitamins. take one upon waking up, before lunch, and before dinner.