Cause constipation

What cause constipation

HabitBowel movements are under voluntary control. This means that thenormal urge people feel when they need to have a bowel movement can besuppressed. Although occasionally it is appropriate to suppress an urge todefecate (for example, when a bathroom is not available), doing this too frequently canlead to a disappearance of urges and result in constipation.DietFiber is important in maintaining a soft, bulky stool. Diets that arelow in fiber can, therefore, cause constipation. The best natural sources offiber are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.LaxativesOne suspected cause of severe constipation is theover-use of stimulant laxatives (for example, senna [Senokot], castor oil, and certain herbs). Anassociation has been shown between the chronic use of stimulant laxatives and damage tothe nerves and muscles of the colon, and it is believed by some that the damageis responsible for the constipation. It is not clear, however, whether thelaxatives have caused the damage or whether the damage existed prior to theuse of laxatives and, indeed, has caused the laxatives to beused. Nevertheless, because of the possibility that stimulant laxatives can damage thecolon, most experts recommend that stimulant laxatives be used as a last resortafter non-stimulant treatments have failed.Hormonal disordersHormones can affect bowel movements. For example:Toolittle thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) and too much parathyroid hormone (byraising the calcium levels in the blood) can cause constipation. At the time ofa woman's menstrual periods, estrogen and progesterone levels are high and may cause constipation. However, this is rarely a prolonged problem. High levels ofestrogen and progesterone during pregnancy also can cause constipation.Diseases that affect the colonThere are many diseases that can affect thefunction of the muscles and/or nerves of the colon. These include diabetes, scleroderma, intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Hirschsprung's disease, and Chagas disease.Cancer or narrowing (stricture) of the colon that blocks the colon likewise can cause a decrease in the flow ofstool.Central nervous system diseasesSome diseases of the brain and spinal cordmay cause constipation, including Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, andspinal cord injuries.Colonic inertiaColonic inertia is a condition in which the nerves and/ormuscles of the colon do not work normally. As a result, the contents of thecolon are not propelled through the colon normally. The cause of colonic inertiais unclear. In some cases, the muscles or nerves of the colon are diseased. Colonicinertia also may be the result of the chronic use of stimulant laxatives as described above. Pelvic floor dysfunctionPelvic floor dysfunction (also known as outlet obstruction or outletdelay) refers to a condition in which the muscles of the lower pelvis thatsurround the rectum (the pelvic floor muscles) do not work normally. These musclesare critical for defecation (bowel movement). It is not known why thesemuscles fail to work properly in some people, but they can make the passage ofstools difficult even when everything else is normal.Inmost cases, however, there is no clear cause constipation.