child constipated

child is severely constipated
Our daughter has begun to have severe constipation after a couple of weeks after birth.At the age of 4 months she was diagnosed with megacolon. We have consulted many doctors. Some said that she has the Hirschsprung’s disease and therefore the surgery is the only solution. Other said that many such surgeries do not bring the expected result, even worse, some children are not able to control stool after such surgeries. Other doctors advised us to not go to surgery, because as she would grow in height, her intestine, being too long now, would grow much slowly and the problem would be solved. Other said that she has gastro duodenal reflux which causes solid stool. We tried many types of diets, fruit, vegetables, juices, but the problem persists and today (the girl is 5 years old) it is even worse, because till now she had very severe constipation only during the winter (very solid stool, sometimes with blood); while during May-October it was relatively well. For the first time this summer she is constipated as during the winter. Due to constipation we often use glycerin suppositories.Because many parents have experienced similar situations, we would appreciate any advices. If she has the Hirschsprung’s disease, how are there explained such different periods (child constipated, usually during the winter and good period during the summer)? Why the stool becomes solid (stones) so quickly, that is one day the stool is normal and the next day it is already very solid? Is this possible due to the gastro duodenal reflux, as some doctors said? Thanks.
I bet be willing to bet that this is from gastro duodenal reflux as the doctor said.
If child constipated is seasonal (worse in winter), it is probably NOT related to a disease. I had constipation in winter for 6 years, and just found a solution. In winter, we get less sunlight. The body uses sunlight to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D is needed to produce the mucus lining of the intestines. This lining is the lubrication to keep things flowing. In studies, rats deprived of vitamin D develop constipation and bloody stools.I have been taking vitamin D3 supplements (1000 IU) every day this winter. This is the first winter in 6 years that I am free of constipation and hemmorhoids.